The tips posted by the renowned bloggers do not only apply to fresh graduates, if you're looking to kick-start your finances on a clean slate, why not take on the mentality of a fresh graduate and put the advice to use?
Here's the Best of the Rest:
A Fully-funded Roth IRA at age 18 could net you 3.5 million dollars
It does not matter if you are not a US citizen and have no idea what a Roth IRA is, the gist is this: save and invest. Start investing $5000 yearly and be a millionaire by age 50. (@ No Credit Needed)
Personal Finance Made Easy: Pay Yourself First
This is actually a tip from the book, Richest Man in Babylon which I reviewed here. Paying yourself first is about setting aside a fixed portion of your income for your emergency or retirement fund. (@ Get Rich Slowly)
Welcome to the Real World
The advice here focuses on the attitude and morals that will ensure a fulfilling life rather than how much to invest or save etc. (@ Wisebread)
If you want to read more on this topic, check out the rest of the posts here. However, as it always is in such situations, many of the tips overlaps hence I only chose 3 bite-sized, easy-to-digest posts.
Any other tips for fresh graduates? Feel free to post your comments.
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