Well.. an increase in rape and theft cases!
huh? what?
I see an increase in the cost of living from the increase of fuel prices...
because... oil is involved in everything...
from the delivery of food, transport to get people around..
food food prices increase, people are unable to afford the higher standards of living, leading to people and the general economy tightening their belts and slowing spending.
and this vicous cycle would go on n on... and businesses will be unable to sustain and this would lead to lay offs...
and this leads to an increased unemployment rate.
with hungry desperate and disillusioned people roaming around.
Crime rates and rape rate will tend to increase.
true story.
- a flash post. some sense and cents to talk over a coffee and impress your friends about economic insights or just for fun facts.
As much as i feel the pain from the recent hike, i must say im agreeable with the gov's decision. I think subsidising patrol is economically unsustainable and environmentally detrimental.
We've got less than 20 years of oil reserves left. I think with the money saved, a lot of good can be done. Channelling it to the poor with free tertiary education for instance would afford steady growth in the per capita income of the ‘rakyat’. In due course, this would allow for the establishment of a knowledge based economy that should stand the test of time and bring forth long term economical sustainability. Furthermore, I think it's about time we learn to fish.
But with cronyism and the siphoning of funds being common practices, we can only stay hopeful and trust that good will prevail.
Wow.. wat a balanced comment.. I have naught left to say... haha...
very true!
let's hope for the best!
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