Sense n Cents

10 May 2008


We live in a world village. I've discussed about how important it is to save money and how to be cultivate a 'rich man's habit'. As much as I like to share with you, dear reader, about basics of finance and money, I would like to show you the flipside of capitalism and consumerism.

I'd like to discuss the issue of third world debt. The following articles give a good background to what it is:
2) WIKi ( everything can be wikied!)

I'll leave you to read it up. But in summary its about how "debt relief" to 3rd world countries is becoming a dead weight to their development and catching up to other developed countries with "$13 on debt repayment for every $1 it receives in grants."( global

In caricature, it's like a playground bully scene, where the big guy squeezes the little kids neck and takes away his lunch money! And who are these big boys? well, go read and go figure! I assure you, you'd be surprised by what you read in global

Why am I not giving a balanced argument? because you already know the flipside of the flipside, and this IS the untold side to it.

Why am I highlighting this issue? because I believe in a balanced view. The good, the bad, the ugly.

So.. While I feel it is important to get ahead and achieve financial freedom, however at the same time, I would like to create an awareness of people who have no chance to do so and hope that wherever possible, we do our part to help, in every little way, the less fortunate.

In an ever shrinking world where everyone is just six degrees apart,
Have you done your bit for the world?

" You might say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'd join us, and the world will be as one." Imagine, John Lennon.

Related links:
power of compounding
If the world were a village of a hundred people
The last post
3 things to do everyday

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