So since acquiring my new/old car, I have had to park my car somewhere...
somewhere... anywhere...
while I serve my 9am-6pm sentence...
Initially, being the law abiding new car owner/ma|ays1an around, I would pay RM 3 everyday just for a parking lot behind the LRT station...
But as you can all see, times are bad... with inflation at 7% and overall increased standard of living... this lowly paid fresh grad has to do his very best to cut costs, which means cutting corners here and there so that I can subsidise my "Spiritual expenditure" (read: alchohol).
So one of the ideas that I came upon was to cut costs by the way of parking at alternate parking sites where I would not be charged a levy.(i.e. FREE!!!!!FOC!!!! woohooo...)
So the long and short of it:
The costs of alternative parking(parking by the roadside)
Immediate outflow of money: RM0
Risk of copping a RM500 fine(i think its 500?): from observations - low. because lots of other cars are doing it!
lets put it at 1%?
Estimated value(EV)=0+1%*500=RM5
Compare this to the old way where i parked at the LRT station:
Daily outlay : RM3
So... a comparative analysis: I should actually choose to pay RM3 everyday, but as with any investment options, its all about balancing risks and returns...
I choose to take on a risk of RM5 for a savings of RM3... ahahha... seems like a really dumb investment to me, but then again, I'm not too sure about the fine and so far there hasnt been any. Not that I'm a firm believer of technical analysis, but that's where my 'so far so good' rationale is taking me! (P/S from a survey, I've gathered that parking summons dun amount to that much! =D in fact alot lesser than my assumed RM500! which makes it a good investment!)
Also in reference to Buffet on making investment decisions on companies requiring sound and solid management, I have faith that the current "management" would most probably leave my car alone too....
So there you have it. Option, to park!
Why the sexy picture? Because sex sells! and cuz i've been readin Malaysianfiance and realises that Salvatore_Dali uses those alot.
But eye candy aside, its an interesting read nonetheless!
I know that I have not been updating regulary of late. But at the same time I feel that doing it out of routine has led me to come up with really lazy and uninspiring/crappier than usual stuff... So I hope that after this couple of weeks break, I would be able to come up with posts that would do Sense-n Cents proud and be able to reach out and relate to people.
Related posts:
Priceless - new/old car
Market efficiency - Is the market truely efficient?
10 ways to save $10 or more
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